The Life of a Transformation Executive – Six Rules

The life of a turnaround and transformation executive can be an interesting and highly lucrative path. In many ways, we are like the Special Ops of the corporate world, using an eclectic combination of soft and hard skills to shift an organization from dysfunction to high performance. There are few career paths that can bring […]
The Ozovek Family is Heading to Virginia!
As a bit of exciting news, I have been selected by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency to be their Chief Operating Officer (COO)! This will entail working with the Commonwealth of Virginia to innovate and optimize their new model of delivering technology services to 63 state agencies and 55,000 state employees. To my colleagues and […]
It is all about the Product – Roadmapping and Strategy

For many types of companies, the nature of the product is at the core of everything. This seems particularly relevant today as startup companies spring up regularly to try and attack a certain niche or disrupt an industry with an innovative idea. While there are many ideas, most fail as they are not effectively monetized. […]
ERP Programs – Best Practices

Out of the many types of projects and programs there are, the ERP program is probably one of the most expensive and complex. A running joke on many ERP implementations are that the budget is usually 2-3X the original estimate and if the project is complete within 12 months of the original estimate, that is […]
Major Challenges in Digital Transformation

Click here for my Quora answer on the topic.
PMO Success or Failure: Key Factors

A PMO (which can stand for a project management organization, a program management organization, or a portfolio management organization) can be a valuable department within an organization. However, the establishment and sustainability of PMOs are marred by stories of success and failure, depending on which organization you analyze. The history of the PMO spans back decades, so […]
Optimizing Your Technology Investment
IT is a key enabler of any business and can help an organization go from good to great. However, many companies find difficulty in identifying the right IT investments and effectively delivering the full capabilities of the technology to the business community. This article is written to identify some of these common pitfalls and present […] – A Case Study for Project Management
You can refer to my overall analysis of the ACA here. On 1 October 2013, the healthcare exchanges officially launched. While this was a milestone for the ACA, there were significant technical problems on the Federal website which resulted in a large amount of press. Since the deadline was known well in advance, how did […]
The Value of Certifications to your Career
Certifications can result in enhanced earning power and broader career prospects. Additionally, combining certifications across areas can demonstrate broad knowledge and differentiate you from the crowd. The key is to know your position goal (e.g. VP of Quality, Manager of IT Security, Internal Audit Manager, etc) and determine the combination of education, experience, and certification […]
The IT and Technology Trap v1
IT can be a core enabler of the business. However, as someone who has deployed systems on a global scale, I can list many examples of large companies not considering process or business factors before making a significant investment in technology. This is a common trap. Likewise, I can think of examples where the business […]